Thursday, July 12, 2007

We're as busy as bees...

My wonderful fiancee has been excellent in starting this blog and updating everyone on our engagement, so I thought I better start participating here too. And yes, Brandon did surprise me on the night he proposed. I told him that if I had known it was going to be a special night, I might have made him a better dinner than taco salad - and I might have actually set the table. :)

So, for those of you who haven't heard, I am going to be moving from Elkhart in the next 1 to 2 months. I have a new job at Horizon Bank in Michigan City in their trust department. So, in addition to starting to plan our wedding, I am also apartment hunting in Chesterton and have to start packing for the move to Chesterton. It's very exciting, but keeping me fairly busy too.

Since I'm moving out of this area (where our wedding is going to be), I'm trying to collect as many names of people and vendors as possible from people who have recently planned weddings. So right now I'm acquiring names and contacts - to be called in the future.

Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts and well wishes for us. We appreciate them all and will keep you all updated over these next months!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Wrong date in the e-mail

I apologize for the confusion (if there was any) to those of you who received my announcement e-mail today. Our wedding date will be (most likely) April 26th, 2008...not April 29th :)

Monday, July 9, 2007

When's the big day?

Ever since we've announced that we're getting married, the first thing everyone wants to know is, "When is the big day?" We originally thought April 19th, 2008, but the hall we originally wanted wasn't available that day. We've since pretty much settled on April 26th. Hopefully we will get the hall we want and it will be a nice day.

We've also decided to have our wedding in Bremen, IN, which is where Rachel grew up. The good news so far is that her Pastor said that April 26th will work for him and that the church is available that day.

So, as of today:
The big day: April 26th, 2008
Ceremony location: St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Bremen, IN
Reception location: TBA (I figured a cliff-hanger might get y'all to come back when we have a place)

Sunday, July 8, 2007

The Proposal (How did I pop the question?)

Rachel and I were talking about getting married a couple months before I actually went to get a ring. We then went shopping so that she could decide what kind of a ring she wanted. We went to several stores in the South Bend and Merrillville areas and I had plenty to choose from. The funny thing was that I knew which ring I wanted to buy her, but I apparently didn't get to the store soon enough. I went to the store to buy the ring on the Thursday before her cousin's open house (Katie graduated high school...congrats to her!) Anyway, a few people thought that we were already engaged so they congratulated us at the open house. I wanted to say that I was going to ask her really really soon, but I couldn't. I really wanted it to be a surprise. It was so hard not to tell them that I had picked a ring and it was on order.

Anyway, the next Friday, June 29th, 2007, I had the ring in my possession...all sized and cleaned up. All I had to do was put it on her finger. I was nervous all day. Rachel and I decided to have dinner at her apartment, and we were going to make taco salad....nothing special (but it was very good). I thought it would be a good surprise to ask her then. So, I arrived at her apartment and we made taco salad. Then, as we sat down to eat I pulled out the ring and knelt down. She was turned around adjusting her seat or something (not entirely sure). When she turned around she saw me and was truly surprised. I then told her how much I love her and why. Then, I asked her if she would marry me. She said, "YES!" She didn't even take the ring first. She just wanted a hug. I thought that was the coolest thing. After the hug and alot of giggling, I put the ring on her finger.

Welcome to Rachel & Brandon's Wedding Blog

Welcome to our blog. Come back as we update this later.
Feel free to look at our other site on